Professional Render Cleaning
Our aim is to avoid outdated and damaging over use of harsh chemicals and power washing. It is now recognised that cleaning carried out aggressively will damage the surface and will encourage faster organic regrowth.
We trade instant gratification for safer, legal and longer lasting results
We strive to take the environment into consideration on all our cleans and maintain the lowest environmental footprint possible.
We are City&Guild accreditaded and COSHH trained. We have a non aggressive approach to cleans and treatments of Algae, Lichen and Fungi on all external hard surfaces, using the highest of professional grade Biocides, Whilst maintaining the lowest possible environmental footprint unlike industrial strength Sodium Hypochlorite.
Sodium Hypochlorite only cleans the surface and not to the root, meaning the Algae you have paid to have removed continues to live under the surface and regrow to its original state. Food requirements of Algae, Lichens and Mosses are minerals and salts. By having your property cleaned with industrial strength Sodium Hypochlorite you are cleaning the surface only, you are also feeding the root cause of your initial problem
What Is Soft Washing?
Soft washing is a term used for low pressure washing using chemicals to clean hard surfaces and treat Algae, Lichen and mosses.
Soft washing can be carried out without the need for noisy machinery and high pressure cleaning.
Soft washing by a trained operative can give you a cleaner and longer lasting finish than power washing alone.
Proclean direct use Algoclear Pro which is a fully licensed, powerful "Professional Use Only" Biocide which gives a soft and gentle treatment that kills organic growth and disinfects without damaging surfaces. The high quality active ingredient of 50% DDAC content is the maximum strength government approved biocide avaliable on the market. It has the benefit of a low environmental footprint and biodegrades quickly. Once dry the solution is PH neutral and safe for your pets.
Some of our Accreditations